Camel Cigarettes Advertising Methodologies Through The 20th Century
Camels starts off the decade campaign claiming that their
cigarettes are "slow burning". One ad claims that this
reduces nicotine levels.
"Isn't nicotine the
whole point?
I would like 28%
more please."
With America's entrance into WWII, advertising switches to the
soldiers. Some ads say that there may be a shortage of Camels
at home, since the service men are smoking them all up.
Simultaneously, Camels start claiming 28% less nicotine
than their competitors.
Joe Dimagio made several ads for Camels
This 1943 ad is one of my favorites. Here we have the thoughtful
wife with a burning cigarette two feet from her 3 y/o son as she
prepares to send her husband a carton of smokes.
Camels began touting their smoothness and taste by inventing the
"T Zone" - T for Taste, T for Throat. "Test them in your 'T Zone'."
Camels says to send the soldiers cartons of cigarettes.
As soon as the war is over, Camels begins running ads that say
most doctors choose to smoke Camels. These ads run for
several years.
At the end of the decade Camels new advertising catch phrase is
"Experience Is The Best Teacher".
"I like my patients to come back and see me. After all, I have a Mercedes to pay for.
More doctors
smoking to their
"My experience
losing a lung has
taught me my
favorite cigarette
is none."
Mrs Robinson says
"Slower-burning just
makes sense to me."